When we hear the word love, some of us think of it as something that would bring a smile to our faces, something that would warm our hearts and something that would make us happy. However, there would be some people who would get disgusted just by hearing those words, some would get sad and some would get angry. People really do have different opinions when it comes to love but I think that most of us have experienced good things and some were even crazy in love. Being crazy in love is strange however this just proves how much you love your pair and how much you are willing to do anything just to keep them with you. Here are some of the reasons why we get crazy in love.
We might be overwhelmed with our emotions.
We get crazy in love because we might be overwhelmed with our emotions. You know when you fall in love with someone and all your emotions just surge all in and you don’t know how to act or what to do in this situation. Because of this, we get crazy in love because we don’t know how to manage our emotions maybe because this is our first time at being in love with someone. We might not have felt this feeling before so it can be hard for us to comprehend. A source would say that love happens unexpectedly and it might be the first time we are feeling this feeling.
We are joyful to have found the right person.
We become crazy in love because we are joyful that we have found the right person for us who will make us happy and who will love us for the rest of our lives. When you are crazy in love, you are engrossed with your feelings of love for your pair because you are delighted to have found them. You don’t have to search anymore because the person that you have always wanted is with your already. You don’t have to keep searching for them anymore.
We felt the kind of love that is genuine and sincere.
Being crazy in love just means that you are so into your pair because of how genuine they are to you and we become like this because we felt the kind of love that is genuine and sincere. We must have never felt a love like this before which is why we tend to forget that a love like this exist and only the right person can give it to you.
We have never felt a love like this before.
We become crazy in love because we have never felt a love like this before. We have never love someone who loved us so much that it makes our heart skip a beat and it makes our cheeks blush. We are so used to being with someone who is just mediocre and just doesn’t really give us the things we deserve which is why having a love like this would make us crazy in love since this is the first time we have felt this.