When we want to date a person, we always have these standards. These standards are what we use to look for someone who will be a perfect fit for us. We meticulously follow these lists that we have created in order to land to someone who is worthy of having us and not just some person who cannot give our wants and needs. Many people now have standards and sometimes, these lists are influenced by what they have seen in movies or read in books. Because of this, some people would have this ridiculous list of characteristics they want from a person which can be sometimes so hard for a normal human being to achieve. However, there will come a moment where we would disregard this list and would make an exception. Here are some of the reasons why we make an exception.
Because that person is different.
The reason we make an exception is because that person is different. We may have seen their traits that are so desirable but isn’t found on our list so we just disregard it and go with that person because they are different. There are so many people who have abandoned their standards or just lower them because they have found a person who doesn’t really fit in their list but makes their heart flutter. This kind of moment is one of the rarest and it is when you know you have fallen in love with them.
Because we love that person.
Love can happen unexpectedly and sometimes, we cannot even choose who to love because our hearts have already decided who to love. In this case, no matter how specific your standards are if you are already in love with a person, your list wouldn’t really matter at all. You would have to make an exception to that person or you would have to forget about what you want and just be together with the person you love.
Because that person has given us a new hope.
If there is a person who has given you a new hope and someone who inspires you, then they are worth making an exception. If at first, you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t love because no one is worth loving but you have met this person who has made you awake to the reality of how amazing it is to love and to be loved, then we always make an exception in these cases. We tend to just forget about our oath to ourselves and let ourselves bask in love.
Because we think it is worth the risk.
We sometimes make an exception if we have found a person who has made our heart beats faster than usual. We think to ourselves that they could have been the one person for us and that we should make an exception. We think that it is worth the risk to love that person despite our standards. We think that it is enough that they had made our hearts flutter than our list. If you are struggling to maintain your romance or any social relationships for that matter, you can read this article to get some tips. https://bitrebels.com/lifestyle/best-tips-building-maintaining-social-relationships/