Disappointments are very common when you are romantically involved with a person. There will be times where you wouldn’t be able to understand each other and that causes disappointments. When we love a person, we should not expect that everything will be perfect, that we will always be happy and we will have a peaceful life together because this will just create more disappointments. We should acknowledge that each one of us are unique, we are different from other and we have different personalities. Because of this, arguments and disappointments are inevitable. If you are currently in love with a person and you want to know what could disappoint them, then here are some of the things that could trigger it.
If you don’t do what you promised.
Your pair might be disappointed because you didn’t do the things you promised them. Like you promised that you will bring them to a nice place on your anniversary but you didn’t because you were so distracted with your work. The moment you told them about your plans is the moment they expected it to happen on that specific day so for that moment not to happen, it will bring a big disappointment in them. They will be angry at you for not keeping your promise. I just read this article about technology and if you are interested in knowing more, you can read it here.
If your actions are constantly changing.
If your actions are constantly changing, there is a big chance that your pair will be disappointed in you. Changing your actions every time will just bring confusion to them and they will be frustrated with you. Nobody likes to deal with a person who is not true to their words and their actions. Your pair will be totally disappointed in you because you are supposed to make them feel loved but they don’t feel it with all the confusion there is.
If you don’t help them make things work in your romance.
Your pair will likely be disappointed in your if you don’t help them make things work in your romance. If you let them be alone to deal with all your problems and carrying your whole romance then they will feel as if you don’t care about them or the love that you have for each other. When you are romantically involved with a person, you should remember that the two of you should do your best to make things work.
If you take them for granted all the time.
Taking your pair for granted will utterly disappoint them because you promised to them that you will love them genuinely and that you will take care of them but now you are not doing any of that at all. They will feel as if all the things you said were lies and all your actions were done to make them love you. They will completely doubt you and would never be able to trust you again. Disappointments can take a while for someone to forget about it.