Loving too much can be dangerous because when you do this, you devote your all to the person you are with and I think that because of this, there will be nothing left for yourself and when they leave you, you will be left with nothing but a wide hole in your heart. Loving someone too much is really not good and I think that everything you do too much is not good which is why you should just moderately do things to still keep something for yourself while also giving your pair some love. Loving a person isn’t really that dangerous when you just know when to control yourself or when you know how to know if things are already too much. Here are some of the things that makes loving someone too much is dangerous.
When you give your all to them.
Loving is dangerous when you give your all to them like everything just to make them happy or just to make them impressed. You should never give your all to someone just because you love them because not all things are permanent in this world, there will always be an end especially to romances where nothing is really certain. Because one you give your all to them, there will be nothing left to you when they decided to leave you.
When you only care about them.
Caring for your pair is normal however if you are only caring about them, about how they are and how they feel and nothing about how you feel, about how you are then that is where the danger starts. When you start to care only about them and not about yourself, you are risking your self for someone who might not love you genuinely and if they leave you, all your care for them will be gone. You will be left with noting but regret that you just spent your time with someone who doesn’t really love you.
When you are ready to risk your all to them.
Risking for your pair is not so dangerous however if you give them your all, that is when the danger comes because nothing will be left for you. When you give your all to them, the moment they betray you and leave you, you will be left with an aching heart. You will be very sad and depressed and maybe you will have some regrets as to why you gave them everything you have.But with the right person, you don’t have to worry about giving everything. This site is perfect for those ps gamers who wanted to find their pair.
When you always forgive them.
Forgiving is an important feature of romance however, if you always forgive your pair no matter what they do and you are very considerate of them even though you have seen how bad they are then that is where the danger would arise. They will start to abuse your forgiveness and would still continue to do bad things behind your back because they know that you will always forgive them no matter what you did. It is really dangerous to love someone too much.