When someone likes you, there are actually many things you can do about it depending on what you also feel for them. I know that in our lives, many people have liked us either openly or secretly. There may have been some people who were brave enough to tell you about their feelings for you and some just kept it a secret because they don’t have the courage to confess to you. Either way, we may not know how many people like us. This is just what makes life interesting because we always feel a burst of emotion when someone likes us. The excitement that we might feel when we guess who likes us either at work or school and the thrill of knowing who it might be. Today, if you think that someone likes you or someone just confessed their feelings to you, here’s what you need to do.
If you don’t like the person who likes you:
1. Directly tell them that you don’t like them. By doing this, you are doing that person a favor by not wasting any of their precious time pursuing you and in the end, you don’t feel the same as they do.
2. Reject them politely. I say politely because these people have feelings too and it took a lot of courage for them to confess their feelings to you so be polite and choose your words wisely when rejecting them.
3. Tell them encouraging words. By telling them that they will someday find someone who will like them back, you are giving them hope and easing the pain of rejection that you did to them.
4. If they persist even after telling them that you don’t like them back, then ignore them. If you ignore them, maybe that would give them a hint that you don’t want anything to do with them. Sometimes, when you still act friendly with someone who likes you even though you don’t like them, they would assume that you like them because of the way you act.
If you like the person who likes you:
1. Talk to them after they told you they like you. Doing this would confirm that your feelings for each other are the same and that you have mutual understanding of what is going to happen between you two.
2. You can always ask them out on a date to know more about each other. If you like them back, that would make things easier for both of you.
3. You can also go someplace where you can spend time together. This will let you connect at a deeper level.
4. You can court them so that you can be officially together and you will be exclusively seeing each other. By doing this, you are making sure that your attention is only on the person you like.
These are just some of the things that you can do when someone confesses their feelings to you but be sure to evaluate what you feel about them before doing anything because regret is always in the end. If you are still looking for love, online dating sites might help you. Today, it has become more futuristic like using 3d verification system. You can read more about that here. https://proclockers.com/resource/3d-face-verification-can-be-used-to-improve-online-safety/