Waiting is a very stressful thing for a girl to do. There’s no assurance that the guy they are waiting for will really come back. Sometime, a girl hopes for nothing. Their time is wasted while waiting for the person who promised them that they would come back. I was one of those girls who waited for a guy because he said he will come back. He also reassured me that his feelings won’t change even if we’re apart. He will always keep me in his heart and mind. But after three years of waiting, just chatting him on social media, I contemplated whether what I’m doing is still right or wrong. I was looking like a fool day after day and my friends pointed that out, too. Thankfully, after three years and seven months of waiting for him, I confronted him and said that I don’t want to wait for him anymore. He told me to wait for him because his priorities are studying, graduating and finding a decent job. At first I thought that was that was so cool of him but now that I think about it, it feels like he is only keeping me as a backup who will be used in the future. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you so I’ll give you some signs that a person is fooling you.
Ashamed to post on social media
Social media has become part of the routines of many people and they always upload everything that’s happening in their lives. It is normal for couples to post their pictures on social media but it’s not normal when your boyfriend would be mad about you doing it. They may not like it because a lot of people can see it and maybe they are seeing someone else and that person can see your picture. If your boyfriend does this, ask him what’s wrong and confront him about why he doesn’t allow you to do such a thing.
Lacks empathy for you
They don’t really care about you, they only care about themselves. A girl like you should go out there and see other possibilities that life may present to you. Whenever you share something to him, he doesn’t even look interested but whenever he shares something to you, you are so eager to listen to him. Do you see the difference now? You are the only one who likes him, he doesn’t like you back. This is a one-sided romance.
Sugarcoating words
He always tells you sweet things but never really commits to you and will give you reasons that are not even valid as to why they can’t be in a relationship with you. If you notice that they are doing this, stop waiting for him because you are only wasting your time with someone who doesn’t even have real feelings for you.
Slow replies
I know that some people may be busy but if you know too well that he is not doing anything at this hours and he isn’t even replying to you quickly, you should confront him immediately and clarify things between you and him. You don’t want to look hopeless waiting for a romance that you will never have so make things clear in the first place.