Dating is a great way to find love, many people date because they wanted to be with someone who will love them genuinely. There are so many dating applications now, we have dating websites available in the Internet and we have dating applications for mobile phones. However, there are times where we can’t find love in these websites and apps because what we have been looking for is just right beside us, our friends. There are so many people I know who are dating their friends and I don’t think it is a bad idea to date one, it is just that you need to be careful when you do it because you might make things complicated and awkward. Here are some of the things to look out for before dating your friend.
Look for signs that they are into you.
Before you decide to date your friend, you need to see if they are into you. Try to look at them and if you can see that their stares are lingering and they lean more unto you in a flirty way, there is a big chance that they like you. You can actually feel if someone like you or not by their actions. Also, don’t assume that because they show you some signs that they are into you, don’t act on it immediately. Wait for the proper time and collect more information about it.
Do not confess immediately.
You should not immediately confess to your friend that you like them or something without knowing the signs if they like you or not because if you push your feelings, they might reject you and your friendship would be over. Things would be so awkward between you two after the rejection. Confessions are made if you can see that they are a bit interested in you and that their subtle actions tell you that they might have feelings for you.
Think if you want to risk your friendship.
If you date your friend, you should think about the risk of putting an end to your friendship. There are times where you would have a good time as a couple and you understand each other well but there will be times where you would argue and this can put a strain in your romance. If you ever break up, you can never go back to being friends and the friendship you had built will never go back to the way it is. You should consider dating when you are in a mature age to avoid complications. This article will tell you more about it. https://celebritypost.net/dating-in-mature-age-breaking-stereotypes/
Cross the line carefully.
If you cross the line to being friends then to lovers, you need to cross that line carefully because you might end up making a mistake if you go for it with all your might. Try to see first if you friend would be comfortable about you becoming a couple, try to let them take their time into taking all that information and digesting it before you make another move because they might back out if you are moving way too fast.