I was born in the city so I got used to having things that makes my work easier but whenever we visited my grandmother in the province, I always think how peaceful her life is. I wanted to have a life like her where I don’t have to think about complicated things, just things that really matter the most. I always envy people who grew up in the province because although they experienced a lot of hardships, they also learned many things from it. Now that I’m older, I decided to live a simple life with my spouse and if you are like me, here are some tips how we did it.
Don’t spend money on things you don’t really need.
Needs always come first than your wants. Be mindful how you spend your money if you want to have a simple life. Never buy things that you will not use on a daily basis.
Adopt an attitude of gratitude.
Being thankful for the blessings that you received is a good start. Having a healthy and positive mind could help you live a modest life.
Have friends who inspire you.
Few friends who truly care about you are the best people to be with. They don’t judge you and will remain true to you for life.
Turn your passion into your job.
Your work is something that you will do for a long time so make sure it is something that you really want to do. Being passionate about it could help you enjoy your job more.
Don’t chase perfection, embrace imperfections.
Being perfect is so boring. People ought to have numerous imperfections so don’t dwell on it for long. Try to focus on things that make you happy instead of the characteristics.
Appreciate the little things in life.
When you practice living simple, you will notice a lot of things. Appreciate it and never take things for granted no matter how small it is.
Avoid debts, if at all possible.
One big issue is having debts. They can totally destroy your budget plan so try not to accumulate large amounts of debt.
Write down your goals, and go after them.
It’s never too late to chase your dreams. You can always go after it and will give you satisfaction when you get older.
Keep an open mind.
In life, you will experience many things that may not coincide with your ideals. Have a clear mind and try to understand things first before you judge it.
We have done all of these things for the past years together with my spouse and I can say that it really helped a lot in maintaining the kind of life we want. It’s not easy at first sine both of us are from the city but little by little, we started to shift our actions into the life we always see ourselves have. We started noticing how we wasted a lot of time by thinking about useless things in the past and now that we learned, we use our time productively. Follow your heart and live your life in a way that makes you and your spouse the happiest! Also, I found this article which might interest you. Check it here. https://electronichealthreporter.com/technologies-of-future-effect-on-relationships-and-healthcare/