Marriage is the most important happening in a woman’s life. It is said that most women dream of a perfect wedding and that this is what they really sought after. Many people have said that marriage is a sacred union between two people because you swore in front of everybody that you will be with each other until the day you die. However, marriage can be quite complicated no matter how much you love each other and no matter how long you have been together. Divorce can happen to every married couple at some point in their marriage. There are a lot of factors that contribute to this and I will be sharing some of it here.
Too much conflict and arguing.
Intense and frequent fighting is toxic to a marriage. It’s normal to argue but if you make it a daily habit, then something is wrong. You may have different value about parenting, religion or even diverging political views but that doesn’t mean your marriage will be doomed. Compromise is the key to a healthy and stable marriage and if one of you doesn’t compromise, that’s when things start to get disrupted. Make it a habit to constantly communicate no matter how small things are.
Domestic Violence
People will seek to escape when the abuse becomes intolerable and they feel that they are not safe anymore. There are different ways of abuses whether it is physical, verbal or emotional so try to observe if your partner has been abusing you and seek immediate help or legal action if you want to divorce your partner. Never let anyone take you for granted, you are worthy just like any people so don’t be afraid and find help.
Infidelity or extramarital affairs
When there is an affair, the wound is deep. When you cheat, you will give your spouse tremendous pain and suffering. It takes quite some time to forget someone you used to live together with. There are numerous ways to cheat now that we have social media applications. It’s so easy to hide the fact that you have been engaging in extramarital affairs with another person. Also, having an affair would directly affect not only your spouse but also your children if you have any. If you are planning to cheat your spouse with someone who is also married, you might want to check this article before doing so. https://womennow.in/affair-with-a-married-woman-things-that-you-should-know/
Lack of Commitment
According to many researches, lack of commitment is the top reason why married couples divorce. May be they married young and when they married, they realized that they miss being a single. You see, commitment plays a big role in maintaining a long and happy marriage. Without it, everything will not make sense. You will not be intimate with each other, you will not be willing to work on your marriage and one small problem could bring a total destruction to both of you.
When you see signs of trouble, I suggest you work on it immediately. The more you wait, the bigger the problem will become and it will be very difficult to handle when the time comes. As early as now, evaluate your marriage if you have any problems you swept under the rug, this is the right time to let it come outside to be resolved.