Open relationships are a thing now. Many people engage in it and some find pleasure. As our generation becomes more diverse, many people have been open to things that weren’t exactly accepted before. For example, we have acknowledged the lgbtq+ community, we have also accepted gay marriage which wasn’t really known before. As I am born into this generation, I have seen many differences and I am really happy with those differences but there are also some that I wasn’t really keen on maybe because I grew up in a conservative family that’s why I have beliefs. One of it is monogamy. I believe that people should only be with one person and not with many because as what I have been taught, we are one person that’s why we also need one person to love us. However, open relationships have been one of the changes and I am going to tell you how to make it a healthy romance.
Communication is very important in a couple because misunderstandings are inevitable so you have to deal with them which is why communication is important. When you are in an open relationship, you have to communicate with your pair so that they will know the things you like and you don’t like. Open relationships mean that you get to be with your pair but you can have a fling with other people. This requires a lot of trust and communication to make this work. Without communicating the things that you want or the things that you don’t like, your relationship might become toxic.
Mutual consent in this kind of romance is very important because you will know if you and your partner have agreed to do some things. Without asking for the permission of your pair, having a fling with other people is seen as cheating and you don’t want to be labeled like that. Also, consent should be made because you are romantically involved with your partner so whatever you do would affect them and some of your actions might hurt them. Consent is very important when you are in an open relationship so that the environment will be safe and full of trust. We don’t really want to lie to our pair that we have been hanging out with someone and flirting with them like we don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Not all people like the idea of having an open relationship. I don’t like the idea of it because as what I have mentioned earlier, I grew up in a conservative family and we believe that we should only love one person which is why having a fling with another person while you are involved with another is a violation of what I believe. I am not saying that it is wrong to do things like this, I am just saying that we are different. Anyway, when you are in an open relationship, you should know what things make your pair comfortable and what makes them uncomfortable. Be wary of this because they play a huge role in making the romance healthy. If you want to know more about open relationships, polygamy or polyamory, you can read this article here. https://www.clickandflirt.com/dating-advice/truth-about-polyamory.html