Many people go through break ups every day. It has always been a part of every relationship, just like how light has darkness, relationship also has break ups. Almost all people have gone through break ups, we thought that we will always be together with are current partners but then something happens and things got chaotic which is why both couples decided to end the relationship for the better. Sometimes it is an agreement between the two person involved to break up but there are times where one person just decides they had enough of the relationship and just wanted to break things off. We also have a particular moment where one person just disappears out of the life of their partners because they cannot take it anymore. Either way, break ups will always have an impact to a person’s life and I will tell you about these right now.
Break ups cause a lot of pain to the person left behind. Sometimes break up can be one sided and there will always be someone who will be left behind waiting for their partners to come back in hopes of reuniting their romance again. The excruciating feeling of waiting for someone to come back causes depression in the worst case scenario. People will be so sad especially if they have spent a lot of time with their partners and they had so many memories which is so hard to forget.
Breaking up can also cause anxieties. The person left behind will have trust issues and they fear many things especially getting hurt again. It would be difficult for them to find love again because of what happened in their previous relationships. They become self-conscious and would think that everything that happened is their fault. This is the very reason why I think that we should be very careful when trying to break up with someone. We should also consider how they feel about it.
Loss of interest in living
People who were in a long term relationship with someone who suddenly break off everything will most likely lose their interest in living. Losing someone you really love would make you want to just die and forget about everything. There are actually many people who love hard and are very passionate about the relationship and because of this, they also hurt too much. The pain they feel from the break up will cause them to lose all sense and would just cry endlessly. Some would even commit suicide because they cannot handle the pain anymore. It is too much for them to handle.
Loss of appetite
Breaking up is like someone you love just died from an accident and this is why most people lose their appetite. They are not in the mood to eat, they just wallow inside their room, listening to sad music all day. Break ups have this kind of effect to people who love too hard which is why I tell people not to love too hard because there will come a time where everything we thought would stay forever with us will have a change of heart. This is the main reason why I never trust people easily when they say they will never leave me.